A wonderful list
Things to be grateful for
1 - Got to know the truth, learned a lot. Finally finding my peace again. An experience that makes me more mature and better. But definitely the experience that I wouldn’t want to feel anymore.
2 - Eat good foods with family. Alhamdulillah.
3 - Kakak got married, +1 in the family. Spend a whole good day with them. Ponteng kelas tanpa rasa bersalah hahahah
4 - Big family assemble! Alhamdulillah some of them managed to rentas negeri (proper ways, kak fuzah je guna insiders hahaha) and I got proper time to study after days, have a family that understand me and my commitments
5 - Exam went well. Teringat satu ayat Quran which Allah berfirman Allah lah yang menggerakkan jari jari kita. Alhamdulillah, harini smooth sangat. Have a blast time with family. Meeting my friends. Missing jia. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
6 - Beautiful view, another day with family. Belajar erti sabar.
7 - Read a good book, learn how to ease the burden on my shoulder. Alhamdulillah.
The first week on the last month of the year. I learnt a lot. You know when you decide to ponder all of the nikmats that you have, you will see how Merciful He is towards you. Rasa tak patut mengeluh. Alhamdulillah.
In the end the things that hurt you also meant to be a nikmat for you. That way, though it caused you wounds, we will still learn something from it.
As for me, I learned about this word called love. A big word it is. Either to your family, friends, or that one person; love helps you grow. I never regret loving those I love or used to. Because it is a beautiful process. I could never hate them. And for some people, I could never forget. And for another, I just choose to remain.
But nothing should beyond yours to God. And be grateful to Him for every little feelings, that what feeling does, it is meant to be felt. Kalau kebergantungan kita sentiasa kepadaNya, manakan diletak pengharapan yang berlebihan pada yang lain. And that is the key.
So, what did you learn today?
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