-- II
Do you remember the phrase "verily with every hardship comes ease?"
Yup, surah As-Sharh verse number five.
Just like how I rant about my complaints here , thought I should shower it with some positivity as well. Hahaha looking back at my posts, I was really having a hard time huh. Not gonna lie, I still am. The fact is despite all those negative thoughts revolve on my mind, I am blessed with people around me. That constantly take care of me, support me, remind me to always be strong, be grateful, and just... always be there beside me.
I remember my sister said to me "Untunglah, mama abah tak pernah lupa beli breakfast sebab awak takut awak lapar time kelas. Kalau awak sibuk kan, mama pesan pada kitaorang jangan kacau dan cari gaduh dengan awak." I just laughed when I heard that. But deep down on my heart, I am so grateful to have such a lovely and understanding parents. I have such a comfortable environment to go through these hard times. I have my sisters remind me on I should be grateful as this is one of the nikmat that poeple always take for granted. Just because, we are here living comfortably. My support system from day 1 <3
I have my friends; people that always be here, fighting with me through the hardships through day and night. The reason why I am still here, still in this battleship. Continuously supporting whenever things are hard. I pray that, for every single du'a they made for me, for every word of encouragement they gave me, I sincerely pray may Allah repay them with his Rahmah and Jannah. Their kindness, made me who I am today.
ft my post on selamat pagi <3 i was having a hard time when they shower me with their kindness |
And Him, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Kebergantungan kepada Tuhan.
Yesterday, I am a little bit happy that my test went well but there is something that bothered me at that time, so I shared my concern with Jannah. We talked about it but that is not the main point here. My thoughts was surrounded with those concerns when Jannah told me this;
I -- am speechless and quite surprised.... how can I..... His servant.... did not realised this? Astaghfirullahalazim. Alhamdulillah. This two words automatically came out from my mouth. At that moment of my life, I feel very loved by Allah. Everyday, in my every single prayer, I always tell Allah how it is so hard for me, please ease it for me, ampunilah aku lapangkanlah hati, kurniakanlah disekelilingku aku dengan insan yang baik, bimbinglah aku, peliharalah mereka mereka yang ku sayang, jodohkanlah aku dengan orang yang soleh, berilah syurga untuk kami semua. But, the irony about prayer is that, sometimes we didn't even realise how He grant us with all those nikmats that we asked Him. Mungkin doa kita sepuluh tahun lalu dimakbulkanNya hari ini, dan kita masih tidak sedar. And we drowned with the thought that why is life is so hard when the problem lied in us; who did not count the Blessings that He give.
Mungkin benarlah kata orang, kiralah nikmat diberikan Dia, untuk menyedari hakikat kehidupan yang bahagia.
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